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Why didnt he even try to talk his way out of it or argue against it? He was there to clean...

noxx June 12, 2014 10:06 pm

Why didnt he even try to talk his way out of it or argue against it? He was there to clean stuff, not being forced to marry some sociopathic rapist. I dont get what was sweet in this. Masochism, stockholm syndrom. So much for love. I cried for the poor boy several times. Gawd, where's the logic?!

    Randomreader June 17, 2014 6:40 am

    Finally!!! I didn't think anyone else thought this way. this is a poster story for abusive relationships. Not only that, but I couldn't really follow what the past was, like did the butler run off with the kings wife, or was he someone's lover or something?

    I must agree that the one ting going for it is the art and emotional expression throughout it.

    lah July 16, 2014 7:17 pm

    lmao, it would be so different if only the main character (kairi) didnt feel attracted to the prince himself. read the texts outside the bubbles, you'll understand that kairi, absurd as it may sound, has fallen in love with the prince already and i think thats the driving force of the plot, like any other