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I’ve been broke so many timeeees. I don’t know what to believve

Lunareve April 29, 2020 8:53 am

Basically a manipulative blondie who befriends a boy named Aoi in his class, so that he could take his place of being bullied instead of himself by a guy named Toda, who bullied blondie in ms and also in their hs. Aoi was then bullied by Toda to the point Toda forgot about blondie. This was blondies plan to live a peaceful life which succeeded at the expense of Aoi’s. Therefore Aoi dropped out due to the constant bullying and lived secluded in an apartment for 7 years, feeling worthless, alone, and broken-hearted. One day Aoi decided so go out to the grocery store and bumps into the blondie bastard, who is now a business man living a good life. But blondie has the AUDACITY, to fucking say to our baby Aoi “to stop playing victim” or “it wasn’t my fault” like BITTTCH Aoi just wanted to be a good person and help someone out and you had the AUDACITY to be a selfish prick and make someone else live through hell bc you didn’t want to. Like YOU made him drop out bc he was taking your bullying for YOU. And u go and say that it wasn’t your fault that he has low self esteem and no life. Now he’s fucking died bc of you. Then he got reborn as a girl, but I still fucking despise blondie. Like who ruins someone’s life, meets them again and smiles at what they’ve done, then continues to say it wasnt their fault/ stop playing victim. I hate it here. Someone take my phone away I’m cryingggg

    rose April 29, 2020 9:35 am

    mama say it’s my fault, it's my fault, i wear my heart on my sleeveee