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I can't believe that there is a Sequel for this I'm literally crying rn. Faster than a Kis...

Thiana01 April 29, 2020 2:45 pm

I can't believe that there is a Sequel for this I'm literally crying rn. Faster than a Kiss is the manga that opened gates for me. The first manga that I truly adore! I've re-read of a bunch of this and this fall in love with these two + Teppei. Thank you for translating! Please don't drop this ╥﹏╥

    hope world ㅡ ㅅ ㅡ April 25, 2021 9:25 am

    SAME ㅠㅠ Its been 8 years since this opened me to the mangaverse and still is the best Ive laid my eyes on until now. So nostalgic.