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uwah... it's a great oneshot. I rarely read oneshot because it escalated quickly and left ...

kai valraevens June 13, 2014 5:19 pm

uwah... it's a great oneshot. I rarely read oneshot because it escalated quickly and left me feeling unsettled. But I don't regret reading this one. Still unsettling that there's no continuation but somehow like this is okay too.

    Squeals! July 2, 2014 5:41 pm

    I loved it too, it was terribly cute. I've read almost all of her mangas and I noticed that she tend to rush her storylines and end it abruptly, sometimes even leaving us with a big question mark. Not saying I hate it but it just annoys the hell out of me. Her plots are always great but she's always in a haste to end it. I mean give us more pages, take time to develop the plot!!! But you know, be glad that they atleast reconciled and had sex. I've read mangas that have yet to reach the reconciling stage, let alone have sex and are still 'on-going' with no updates for more than 2 years. Talk about hell. Oh and I've learnt to not read mangas that are incomplete. It's just to painful to bear becau

    ohana21 February 10, 2015 11:05 am

    yeah you right, it was kind of rush on how the story develop and it would be great if i she can slowly evolve the characters too but the plot was great, in fact the reason why i'm still tend to read her works was because of the storyline + the art really my cup of tea♡ overall this one was a nice read, i have no idea where the story was going (i really thought it was just some embrassing stuff that he found about that guy) the moment he found that gay book, so when he said that that he was one of the characters in book i was like oh~~~and that make me blush~gosh it was amazing how she can make simple thing so adorable