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Its interesting, but I work at a lab and if I did or react some ways they do there at the ...

Akira_H April 30, 2020 9:50 pm

Its interesting, but I work at a lab and if I did or react some ways they do there at the manga, well.... my professor and coworkers would bitch slap me ( ̄∇ ̄")
It almost physically hurts me when they were waiting for the analyses and there was the this girl sitting on the floor saying she was the manager of the place ╥﹏╥ how can you sit there??? They are literally saying to not even touch the walls and protecting their feet with those plastics n she is there touching the floor... I dont care how clean it is, that still a no no(/TДT)/
Still its not bad , you just need to enjoy n don't think too much ahout that LOL it's an funny reading
