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If you ask me any question about red river I will know it I have read it million times

Red river gal June 15, 2014 2:17 am

If you ask me any question about red river I will know it I have read it million times

    Karkalicious August 18, 2014 5:17 am

    4-3-2- fuck you Karkalicious definition makes terezi loco she wants to know the secret that she can't you see my photo dying to know the flavor I ain't doin her no favors no reason why it is her her flush comes and goes like seasons I'm karkalicious so delicious my body stays vicious high blood getting nervous cuz I'm working on my fitness im karkalicious aye aye aye aye so delicious aye aye aye aye so delicious aye aye aye aye so delicious aye aye aye aye
    im karkalicious t-t-t-tasty tasty

    Karkalicious August 18, 2014 5:21 am

    Melody - fergalicious
    Song - karkalicious
    By - Karkat from homestuck