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I'm a bit uncomfortable with this being described as a perfect BDSM relationship... A sub...

HanajimaSei May 2, 2020 1:36 pm

I'm a bit uncomfortable with this being described as a perfect BDSM relationship...

A sub should always have a way to safeword out of it, but when he's gaged. He doesn't have any alternative sign to stop it, for one. And a top shouldn't bring personal grudges into a scene...

In here the sub is ok with it, but it pushes the limits of "safe, sane and consensual". I've not seen the limits being discussed before starting to scene together either... There's no need for an actual formal contract, but discussing limits, likes and dislikes whould be important in a BDSM relationship, as both parties are trusting each other to a really big degree.

So yeah, it's not a BAD dom, but he's not exactly perfect... And that's with this one, his last sub he just kicked out without even aftercare, if you'll remember...

I'm enjoying it anyway, and yeah, he cares and is for sure better than the guys ChanWoo seems to usually pick up... But those details lowkey worry me.

    monster94 May 2, 2020 1:37 pm

    how so?

    Yuki879 May 2, 2020 1:52 pm

    accidentally disliked..
    I'm not exactly uncomfortable with it but but i agree with the safeword part.

    ReynaStatera May 2, 2020 1:54 pm

    I read through your post but usually, in these type of long time relationships limits are discussed in many occasions, also we probably don’t see limit negotiations and safe word discussions since (my guess) author sees it to be boring.

    Also, I have to disagree that he can’t safe word when he is gagged, only his wrists are bound so he can signal with his hand. I’m not trying to make it seem perfect, cause nothing is perfect otherwise safe words won’t exist, but from personal experience, I met people who prefered being unable to even move an inch of their bodies or signal. BDSM also has its levels.

    I agree that he was a douche to that guy, he said that his cumming face looked ugly -damn-

    anonienonie May 2, 2020 1:58 pm

    Safe words can be non-verbal for gagged play like this ie hand/finger gestures, grunting in a specific manner, clickers/bells etc. The issue is we don't know what their setup is for these types of play, so I'll hold my opinions till after the scene.

    I do agree re keeping his personal grudges out of play, although knowing this manwha, it'll probably be used as a catalyst to get the plot moving.

    Arooa. May 2, 2020 2:11 pm

    "Safewords" not always need to be words. Like he has his hands tied but he can stretch his arms or move his hands and do gestures (this is something previously agreed by both parties)
    And usually doms are aware if their subs make those signals. In normal play subs don't usually need to do those signals either since the doms already know about the subs' limits...
    Buuuuut, I agree with you that MD shouldn't bring personal matters into their play ┗( T﹏T )┛

    HanajimaSei May 2, 2020 7:50 pm

    I didn't explain myself well about the safeword, I know there are many other ways to signal it, I just missed some kind of conversation at least about how they mark their limits, because this is the kind of things that when lacking in a story leads people who don't know much about BDSM to think that anything is valid during a scene. I'd just like to see them discussing it, because otherwise I just need to assume that they have limits, and there's always the doubt. I like to think the best scenerio, but that could be not the case. I guess the author did think it would be boring while I find it one of the best parts to build trust upon, but then again that's a matter of preference.

    The personal matters influencing the scene actually worried me most because I see it coming. Well, it's a plot device I guess, if the relationship didn't have problems from the start keeping it interesting would be hard on any author.

    Thank you all for answering, it's really nice to have people to discuss things like this, I've met people who directly shut down this line of speaking by saying that it's a fantasy and shouldn't be taken seriously, while I'm a reader who enjoys reading into the details (wich doesn't mean not enjoying it) :)

    A self-correct, I meant to say "dom" when I wrote "top", it bothered me so just correcting it while I'm at it.