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Is it just me who hates this guy I didn't like him in the anime either I mean he is a spoi...

Eka June 16, 2014 9:57 am

Is it just me who hates this guy I didn't like him in the anime either I mean he is a spoiled brat who pretends he is amazing when he is a little kid he gets mad when people judge her and him but he judges her all the time and gets her to hide her ears wear different clothes and doesn't bother doing anything else and he has the nerve to say that she is his assistant when he is getting his asses saved by her seriously what a jerk I would say how pathetic he really was but I like the manga and anime though good story

    Miki-tan <3 June 21, 2014 1:04 pm

    Let me say that I TOTALLY agree with EVERYTHING you said ;)

    Evilcleo August 5, 2015 3:55 am

    Well, he did the ear hiding to please his father, who is very anti-spirit thus protecting her really so you can't keep that against him. I'd say he's come a long way from the beginning in terms of his spoiledness.