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Damn he went HAM In the 1st chapter he grew a pair yass. His father and brothers got their...

Yaoifangal June 18, 2014 3:10 am

Damn he went HAM In the 1st chapter he grew a pair yass. His father and brothers got their just deserves. 2nd chapter how the hell do you get molested like that if the person behind bars "really". 3rd chapter :( 4th chapter very cute! Last chapter 5 shota!!!*wispers* noooo *cringes* no offense to people who likes shota , if that's Your thing. But all in all it was very entertaining highly recommend loved it.

    Ginger January 3, 2015 11:05 pm

    Technically it wasn't shota considering shota involves a child younger then probably 12 years old and this boy was probably 16 if not 17 maybe even 18 he was just small for his age. Not offended at all just wanted to clear it up.