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The art changed

BagelasinRS May 4, 2020 2:26 pm

From the last chapter to this one the art style of the characters changed a little - looks like the artist tried making them more bara - I liked it better before the transition wasn't that smooth so it felt boxy? Ahhhh guess I'll get used To it but I will miss the previous art - at least it's not something like what happened with this manga - ADONIS - I mean the original initial art was splendid and then suddenly artists changed and the art wasn't 60% of what it used to be. Had it been like that from the start then it would have been fine. ╥﹏╥ I feel like I am just in a ranty mood ╥﹏╥

    aksommerfield May 4, 2020 2:46 pm

    Good eye! Like the necks are thicker and the bodies (esp. for the character that were a lot leaner in previously chapters). Without you pointing it out I’d be like ehhh it’s different but I wouldn’t be able to say why lol