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ViRin May 6, 2020 8:05 am

Lucas hinted the fact that she is actually the real Athanasia who was killed by her father, but that was her first life, her second life was in modern Korea, and she died because of an overdose (he said she "gave up"), but then with her magic she turned the time back to her first life (her magic is special, which is messing with her dad), so Jennette is not actually the main character in the real story, it's not even a story to begin with, it was her life, probably the reason why the book she read in modern Korea ended in her death and what she supposed happened later (in her knowledge), because she can't know more than what she lived, so the story of the novel ended not much long after her death.

That means that she has had 2 tragic lives before (and she doesn't remember that she's actually the real Athy).

I just want her to be happy now... Ijekiel didn't love her in her first life, so I don't think he deserves to be with her now... Lucas just met Athy in this timeline, and he stayed because he saw who she actually was (about her tragic past lives) and thought it would be interesting how the events will unfold, but they bonded through the passing of time... She meeting Lucas in this timeline is a fact (along with Athy meeting her father earlier and she having magic) that is changing her life, so I hope we can see and actual happy ending for her... She has been through so much, she deserves to finally be happy...
