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Anyone know a BL that could fit this list? Thank you!

    seAsluGsuckeR May 5, 2020 2:16 am

    Your list is everything I love, but I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "shounen vibes". For some of these works, I can't figure out what connects them, except that they are all unusual. Can you be even more precise about that vibe you're searching for? Except for the art, do you also find it in the story or in the characters interactions??
    The way I understand it, I'd eventally add this :
    - (first story)

    shortie~ May 5, 2020 3:28 am

    Yes! You understood it! ;-; . I also would put those BL's in my list! Theres even one that i havent read yet. Thank you so much! (I actually asked this question to get BL recommendations because im running out of good things to read lol). Basically shounen vibes is like that vibe you get when you read a shounen manga, where you are intrigued by the plot, where it has a very stylized artstyle and unique writing. It's hard to explain exactly... lol i have to change my lists title so that everyone can underatand. But just naming is as "unique BL's" doesnt feel like its enough... you know what i mean??

    shortie~ May 5, 2020 3:38 am
    Your list is everything I love, but I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "shounen vibes". For some of these works, I can't figure out what connects them, except that they are all unusual. Can you be ev... seAsluGsuckeR

    And probay yes. I also find it in the story and the characters. Even though i dont really bother with the plot, because they could still make a very simple plot intriguing.

    seAsluGsuckeR May 5, 2020 5:00 am

    I'm glad I could find the right titles because I'm still not sure if I understand the concept ^^
    I just had a glitch in the matrix, you made me question about everything! Yet, sometimes I get it. For example, I'm sure you could add this one : (maybe the only isekai BL out there)
    And maybe this :
    Or this :
    But would you put this?
    And this?
    Then, I'm lost again. If you can, tell me when something doesn't match your request so that I can refine the algorithm!
    By the way, does the order of your list matter? I see that Ringo, ki kara Ochiru is also in the top of your list of favorites. If so then, nice to meet you, you and me are from the same species!

    shortie~ May 5, 2020 8:39 am
    I'm glad I could find the right titles because I'm still not sure if I understand the concept ^^I just had a glitch in the matrix, you made me question about everything! Yet, sometimes I get it. For example, I'... seAsluGsuckeR

    Yes i would add them!! Thank you! But except for the last one (free kisses) because it was leaning more towards the smut side. And yes! The orders on my list matter! ;-; but i havent edited the last 3 pages yet. Inutoki/shouhei (the authors of Ringo ki kara Ochiru) is indeed my most favourite BL author. Wow, ive never found anyone that has ringo ki kara ochiru as their favourite ╥﹏╥

    shortie~ May 5, 2020 8:45 am
    I'm glad I could find the right titles because I'm still not sure if I understand the concept ^^I just had a glitch in the matrix, you made me question about everything! Yet, sometimes I get it. For example, I'... seAsluGsuckeR

    Btw, i would also add this in . I havent yet though. Maybe you could understand now?? :))