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moral lessson

malupet May 6, 2020 12:28 pm

there is no second chance when u do mistake
to choose a wrong person to love
please keep ur virginty and give to someone who true intension and love you
especially now this day womanizer are everywhere

love your self first
think more before you love someone else
sorry for my english

    Nokame May 19, 2020 8:17 am

    Kinda hard to do, especially when you're young and stupid. Sometimes to express that feeling you feel for that person you give yourself to them without really considering if they truly love you back.

    Cant really learn anything without any experience. We all start out as naive.

    I think this manga portrays that well since the female protagonist went forward in time to find out all her stupid decisions and the result of them.

    Ichigo August 23, 2020 11:57 am

    Learn this lesson with me: virginity is a social construct made up by archaic understandings of the female anatomy and means nothing physically to women AND men.

    You know who is considered a virgin? Someone whose hymen, a flimsy piece of tissue on the outside of the vagina, is not broken.

    You know how easy it is to break that tissue? Simply running too hard and taking wide strides can rip it. Riding a bike can rip it. Almost any form of exercise can rip it.

    This whole idea you got about saving yourself for someone you love is great and all but don't push it onto people who don't see it that way. I personally didn't give a fuck. I had sex because I wanted to. I didn't love the dude. He didn't love me. We liked each other, we were in a relationship, we were horny so we had sex. No harm done. I ain't rolling around in emotional agony about giving my "virginity" to someone who didn't love me. I ain't crying over some flimsy ass piece of tissue that I probably tore when I kicked that soccer ball past the 10 foot tall construction fence and had a cramp in my inner thigh.

    Nokame August 23, 2020 4:42 pm
    Learn this lesson with me: virginity is a social construct made up by archaic understandings of the female anatomy and means nothing physically to women AND men. You know who is considered a virgin? Someone who... Ichigo

    Oof >< that must have been quite a kick!

    Hence me saying "sometimes" at the begining when it comes to virginity, I know only of a few peeps that did it as a display of love D:

    I lost mine to a rough horseback ride XD

    Ichigo August 23, 2020 5:04 pm
    Oof >< that must have been quite a kick!Hence me saying "sometimes" at the begining when it comes to virginity, I know only of a few peeps that did it as a display of love D: I lost mine to a rough horseb... Nokame

    Yeah. That kick was one of my best. I made it onto the soccer team but laziness got in my way and I quit.

    I think it's cute when people want to wait and experience sex with someone they love. But when they have these frilly ideas about virginity and how sex is only between two people forever, it ends up hurting them in the long run when things don't work out with their first partner.

    I had a coworker who broke down and cried during our lunch break because she had this romantic fantasy about her and her bf and she had sex with him but then he broke up with her six months later. She cried about how she gave him her virginity because they were in love and promised to be together forever. And then she went into hysterics and fell into depression because her whole world view about sex and love shattered.

    Yet, another coworker of ours is waiting for marriage to have sex. But she understands that it doesn't mean they're gonna be together forever. She just wants to have her first sexual experience with someone she marries.

    CrazyManga❤ August 24, 2020 11:39 am
    Kinda hard to do, especially when you're young and stupid. Sometimes to express that feeling you feel for that person you give yourself to them without really considering if they truly love you back. Cant reall... Nokame

    well im lucky becouse i grow up with one of the boys
    thats y i know what they think
    im not even say im perfect so im not doo some mistake decesion when it comes to love

    but im not dissapoint when i choose my hubby
    to give my innocent to him
    its worth it

    we can learn from our mistake
    we can be much more stronger if we learn to our mistake