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ah such potential...

Tatsk00 May 6, 2020 3:42 pm

and the FUCKED it up REAL BAD.

The chemistry between the uke and the seme was interesting. It what got me to keep clicking 'next page'. But through the whole shit i kept thinking ' WHatT what are you talking about??? what fakeness? wheRE? bITCH WHERE?!'. they only gave one panel that soooorta explains the uke's backstory(strict/abusive parents i guess???). It's a shame, since the art is good, the overall dark-ish atmosphere of the manga is well established, uke and seme has a chemistry going on, but the story isn't well developed, and i think it's because there's only one chapter. if it has multiple chapters, more pacing and more backstory this could be some feelsy ass yaoi.

too bad it's not. ehhhh
