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i'm confused, who were the people having sex? who was "noomu"?

uh June 23, 2014 2:04 am

i'm confused, who were the people having sex? who was "noomu"?

    Mickey June 23, 2014 2:14 am

    No the long haired one was using that guy as a replacement for nozumu aka noomu

    !!! June 23, 2014 2:24 am

    he likes noomu (nozomu) but he was using chihiro (black haired side character) as a substitute. I know this manga has so much content in a really confusing manner, had to read it twice.

    blah June 23, 2014 2:29 am

    not sure how i'm feeling about this. i think that nozomu will end up with his step-bro since he loves him

    Agathat June 23, 2014 2:38 am

    So it wasn't Noomu???

    De June 23, 2014 4:00 am

    I thought it was nozuma and the dark haired guy in school