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Really cute and all but I can't help but dislike the younger brother, Momiji. I know that ...

Sora June 24, 2014 2:43 am

Really cute and all but I can't help but dislike the younger brother, Momiji. I know that he didn't do anything wrong but I wish that he could've seen how he was hurting Kaede by going out with Setsu. I know that Momiji didn't know that Kaede had a crush on Setsu but he should've at least noticed a change in behavior or something peculiar when Setsu was around. You know, being siblings and all. I dunno, what I'm saying probably doesn't make sense.
I just feel sad for Kaede :( The older brother losing to the younger brother in love and being compared in flower arranging must be hard on him.
I REALLY dislike the Seme. What an ass. I kinda wanted Kaede to just up and leave. Find his calling in life elsewhere where the people around him won't compare his flowers to his brothers.
The message I'm reading here with the flower arranging is: "If you're happy and in love your flowers are awesome. If you're sad and depressing and suck at flower arranging because you lost to your younger brother with love then your flowers suck." That's what I got with what Hikawa said about Kaede's flowers. It's probably a wrong reading in my case but that's what it is in my opinion. I'm most likely not reading between the lines here.
I did love them being kitty's tho :)
