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This is so stupid...

Jynx-chan May 11, 2020 4:25 am

Everyone in this story is stupid! I don't know how it ends but I don't think I'm going to understand it anyway! Its been like 80 chapters and the description still doesn't match the story! And the characters omg the characters. Why the hell does ML think that it is perfectly fine to basically force this woman to be his wife and leave her alone at any time of day for an unknown period of time with no explanation! And then when she does find out where he is, he's always with another woman! Why the hell is he ALWAYS with another woman! And he some how expects her to understand?! And You-er is no better! He constantly does this, she forgives him and then wants to get all suprise pikachu face when he does it again! Like girl come on! And tbh at this point why is she still assuming he's cheating on her? Like he does this so many times and its proven to be for work yet every single time she finds out he's with a woman she assumes he's cheating on her! I could go on and on about how retarded everyone is in this story but I don't have time for that.

But I'm still going to try finish this story aren't I? sigh...
