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I have took it upon myself to notify Blissful sin that this has been uploaded here ..curio...

Anonymous June 24, 2014 6:47 pm

I have took it upon myself to notify Blissful sin that this has been uploaded here ..curioys if they have given their permission ..?
After all there are certain rules in the inserts and I am sick and tired of peiple uploading from scan sights ..WITHOUT permission is stealing ..if your all that desperate BUY THE MANGA LIKE ITS DID

    whyyyyyyyy June 24, 2014 7:29 pm

    Why? If this won't have more updates now, because of you, then I will hate you for all eternity. I can't buy this manga in my country. This is the only chance I have to read it (like most of the mangas I read on this or any site). Don't take that away from me.

    Anonymous June 24, 2014 8:32 pm

    same for me , I can't buy this manga in my country, you are so selfish and narrow !!

    Anon June 24, 2014 8:46 pm

    plox not did this I iz a gud peiple ;_;

    Anonymous June 24, 2014 11:13 pm

    I'm with you whhyyyy, it's not like the scanalation group kicks back royalties to the publisher/mangaka. Really Love the scanalation group since I'm a huge fan but sometimes people seem to confuse them with the publisher and mangaka.

    Anonymous June 24, 2014 11:16 pm

    Also you seem to think there is a person who is going out to all these scanalation sites and reading there rules and pulling stuff. It's not. There is no way a person could keep up with this. It's obviously a program that goes out and pulls the latest off of sites.

    okay June 25, 2014 12:09 am

    Um, they're not saying you HAVE to purchase them. They're not available where I am. But you could also, surprise here, just get it from the scanlation site. You know... Download the English version? They offer that.
    Plus, the scanlation groups purchase each book from the mangaka and publisher. And some scan groups even sell their old books for very cheap.. So no. This isn't your only chance to read it. Just get it from the scanlators themselves.

    LMAO!!! June 25, 2014 3:18 am

    @okay. I had to respond when you claim scan groups by mangas from mangaka's and publishers. LOL!! The usually use the original Japanese, Chinese,Korean or Spanish versions people find online or someone who purchased the original book in Japan and scans it for a group. Publishers are in the business of making money for the company and their artist,hence copyright.

    miku June 25, 2014 3:29 am

    It's all copy right on the Internet and yes this is a lot of people's only chance to read it because they don't want to download i know it not available in my country and I also can't download it because my mom I feel like she's one step away from the west burrow Baptist church so there are a lot of reasons that people read it here I could I would buy it If I was born a different person

    bacon June 25, 2014 3:37 am

    Ugh your really evil next time don't "take it upon yourself" and fuck off

    Evilcleo June 25, 2014 4:19 am

    Then I guess you have to tell them about mangahere, mangafox, and all the other manga sites that exist.

    miso June 25, 2014 6:28 am

    Shhhh they might just take it upon themselves and write up a five page paper on all the sites that have this up while there at it they should tell them about all the other ones on here and get this website taken down *sarcasm*