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This looks really good

Nobody May 13, 2020 4:26 am

Then I went to mangaupdates and it says the it’s suspended at 2 volumes. Now I don’t know if it even got any conclusion, which is a bummer cus I wanted to read it.

    Mayumi89 May 24, 2020 2:33 pm

    NOOO!!!! They licenced the manga in Germany! I wanted to buy it....

    kazis November 5, 2020 9:14 pm
    suspended????NOOO!!!! They licenced the manga in Germany! I wanted to buy it.... Mayumi89

    I think I'm still going to buy it, I just want to know what's next o.o Glad there'll be a German version too!
    And "on hiatus" is not the same as "discontinued", so we still have hope... I think ^^"

    Mayumi89 November 5, 2020 10:14 pm
    I think I'm still going to buy it, I just want to know what's next o.o Glad there'll be a German version too!And "on hiatus" is not the same as "discontinued", so we still have hope... I think ^^" kazis

    Maybe I try ask the german publisher. They might be have a clue :)

    kazis November 6, 2020 12:01 am
    Maybe I try ask the german publisher. They might be have a clue :) Mayumi89

    Oh that's a nice idea, and they're usually responsive! Good luck! Please tell us if you find out anything :3

    Mayumi89 November 6, 2020 11:34 am
    Oh that's a nice idea, and they're usually responsive! Good luck! Please tell us if you find out anything :3 kazis

    altraverse (Publisher) says that sensei is ill and on hiatus. But because of the strong message of the Manga, sensei will first recover and after her recover she will work again on it. So I'm waiting^^

    kazis November 6, 2020 12:05 pm
    altraverse (Publisher) says that sensei is ill and on hiatus. But because of the strong message of the Manga, sensei will first recover and after her recover she will work again on it. So I'm waiting^^ Mayumi89

    Ow wow o.o Of course, the most important thing is health, we can wait patiently. Thank you for contacting them! I hope the author gets better soon.