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I'm just here to say I wish the childhood friend had died

Ren May 13, 2020 8:27 am

I'm just here to say I wish the childhood friend had died

    Ainezxpotato June 4, 2020 5:13 am

    WTF is wrong with you that’s so mean damn

    Ren June 4, 2020 5:16 am
    WTF is wrong with you that’s so mean damn Ainezxpotato

    Haha lol he was annoying and also almost got alot of people killed becouse he was being nosy and stupid

    Ainezxpotato June 4, 2020 8:24 am
    Haha lol he was annoying and also almost got alot of people killed becouse he was being nosy and stupid Ren

    I mean to each there own but damn I do agree he was annoying but not enough to wish death upon him

    Ren June 4, 2020 12:24 pm
    I mean to each there own but damn I do agree he was annoying but not enough to wish death upon him Ainezxpotato

    Nither am i, but if he was on the brink of death just let him die, my annoyance of that guy would have been so much worse if he caused more problems expecially for lemond, if lemond had gotten hurt worse than he was becouse of him i would not feel bad if he just died becouse of his own stupid actions

    Ainezxpotato June 5, 2020 12:33 am
    Nither am i, but if he was on the brink of death just let him die, my annoyance of that guy would have been so much worse if he caused more problems expecially for lemond, if lemond had gotten hurt worse tha... Ren

    I just find it funny how we’re discussing about the life’s of drawings like if they where real I can’t man my brain is crazy but like u never know there’s great vast of places we haven’t discovered yet and I believe in a lot of Possibilities that multiple realities could be real and you never know the stories could be real in a multiple alternate reality you never know bro I am currently highest fuck so if I make no sense do not mind because I’m currently high off my rockers and if you are a child that I am saying this to you I apologize do not do drugs OK

    Ren June 5, 2020 1:21 am
    I just find it funny how we’re discussing about the life’s of drawings like if they where real I can’t man my brain is crazy but like u never know there’s great vast of places we haven’t discovered y... Ainezxpotato

    Lol are kids even allowed on this website

    Ainezxpotato June 5, 2020 2:39 am
    Lol are kids even allowed on this website Ren

    I don’t know man you never know kids these days be hella smart like kids are crazy

    Rosetta red November 29, 2020 12:48 pm
    Haha lol he was annoying and also almost got alot of people killed becouse he was being nosy and stupid Ren

    Lmaooooooo I thought I was the only one wishing that I was deadass praying he would he was so damn annoying like he came into her house all the time asked her who she was with all the time wouldn’t let no one touch her was always in her business he treated her like over protective parents times ten even though she a grown ass woman she said it herself and I’m glad she stood up to him cause he treated like a whole ass kid

    Rosetta red November 29, 2020 12:54 pm
    Haha lol he was annoying and also almost got alot of people killed becouse he was being nosy and stupid Ren

    Especially when he walked into the portal. What what in the hell makes you think, oh a glowing pink smoky light. imma just jump in her yard even though she told me to go home, before I got all the way here and touch it. Then go have the nerve to say, there’s no place for “us” here like boy she never asked you to come.