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Chapter 1 : If seme not have a feeling for you anymore don't be so stubborn. WAKE UP, UKE ...

khayphang clan June 27, 2014 5:02 am

Chapter 1 : If seme not have a feeling for you anymore don't be so stubborn. WAKE UP, UKE if seme not love you anymore that mean seme is not for you, so look for someone else who can willingly love you. Loved the rest all the chapter.

    Mylifeanimemanga4ever August 4, 2014 8:08 am

    yeah, I kinda felt like that. The uke should just find someone else.

    Luka April 17, 2015 4:57 am
    yeah, I kinda felt like that. The uke should just find someone else. Mylifeanimemanga4ever

    But how could he find someelse if he is already married..?