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So im trying to understand wtf is going on, does she not feed her child, so he ate the dog...

lime May 14, 2020 7:10 am

So im trying to understand wtf is going on, does she not feed her child, so he ate the dog's food? Does the child even exist? Is the child even a child?

    NAOMI May 19, 2020 11:45 am

    It's confusing me too

    edenpachi December 5, 2020 9:43 pm

    I think her child that she sees is actually a dog. And she sees the children she abducts as dogs-- explains the chapter where the dog she adopted died, it's bc she fed it with dog food. It's the same child that was found on the balcony in a box later on. Her real child died years ago. Then she adopts a dog to cope up (but she thinks its her child) then she abducts children (she sees them as dogs) so her "child" wont get lonely. Hope it helps bc i know i suck at explaining