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So if a man falls in love with a man/woman falls in love with a woman it's a software bug....

Anonymous May 15, 2020 7:42 pm

So if a man falls in love with a man/woman falls in love with a woman it's a software bug. Great. Not only that but it's the same bug that will cause bestiality and falling in love with an object. Great. There was only one time a bug like this appeared in the past and everyone in the marriage department got fired. Oh no. What a huuuuge catastrophe. Sarcasm. Let's see... chinese authors. Okay makes sense. Great political agenda. Bye.

    Boiers July 1, 2021 2:08 am

    The fact that you felt the need to point out that the author's are chinese.... Yeah that's pretty racist of you

    chopstickfight April 10, 2024 8:46 am

    I fo feel that the political environment these authors are in gives them no choice but to be si extreme in these rejections