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the ending was the best part. i don't usually like dramas of love like this, but "choco la...

Anonymous June 16, 2012 2:56 am

the ending was the best part. i don't usually like dramas of love like this, but "choco la vie". the symbol of the chocalitier's was a flower growing out of a out of his heartbreak he was able to bloom. or because of his unrequited love he became a renown chocolatier.

    cct February 3, 2014 5:07 pm

    what's the ending of the manga? someone plz tell me..who end up with who

    RiriRaRin January 31, 2015 12:57 am
    what's the ending of the manga? someone plz tell me..who end up with who @cct

    U can watch the live-action dorama version of this, but i haven't watch it so i don't know if the dorama stayed loyal to the manga...