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That darned teacher. It's not just "teasing" anymore!!! He pushed Nanao into one the most ...

Anonymous May 16, 2020 2:11 am

That darned teacher. It's not just "teasing" anymore!!! He pushed Nanao into one the most fragile states I've ever seen him in, and it's just "teasing"?! I already disliked him from the start of the first series, and seriously, guys like him just bring out the villain in me, making me want to destroy them in my imagination.
At this point, considering his past atrocity from the first series, I'm actually happy that he didn't sleep with Nanao, though I still hate him.

...I know, I need to chill, it's just a story, but I still hate him, and it's just something that goes through my mind. Well, I'll just imagine that a horse kicks him right where it hurts and he wouldn't DARE mess with them anymore.

    Emerald15 June 5, 2020 3:23 pm

    You're right, it's such a pity Kuon didn't get to punch him( ̄へ ̄)