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SonOfAnEgg May 16, 2020 2:25 am

Major spoilers ahead!!!

Myung-Ee is reincarnated as a former general moon rabbit for the king. She was assigned in her past life to protect a woman who the king fell in love with. This woman had four fox children she brought with them to the moon. The only way she could go to the moon and be with the king was to drink his blood which they hid as an elixir (I am pretty sure) and this granted them immortality. Once there, she met the king, they had a grand old time, and Myung-Ee was her guard and became this woman’s friend. This woman and her became like sisters and so when the woman realized she could never go home, she was devastated. She Wanted to gather her foxes and leave, but the rabbits had told her that they didn’t react well to the kings blood and became monsters that began to eat the Moon rabbits. Yu-Da is Myung-Ee’s reincarnated lover from her past life where he was the black rabbit then as well. He was in hiding because the king began looking for ways to help the woman he loved find peace because she went crazy when she realized her foxes were “dead”. They weren’t actually dead, and they recovered very slowly. In the end, the king had Myung-Ee seal her away for her own safety, until the day she could die peacefully. Myung-Ee (captain Joo) brought two of the woman’s fox children she could save to Yu-Da who took care of them. In the end though, the war between rabbit and foxes broke out, and Yu-Da died waiting for Myung-Ee to return. All of what I summed up is what you learn about their past lives. I dunno if you guys got that far. Anyways.

In the end, all four of the woman’s foxes are actually fine. And in the end, she doesn’t want death. The king was hunting Yu-Da so he could finally help put his love to rest. But after centuries and centuries passed, what she wanted changed. What she wanted was to be reunited with the ones she loved the most, including the king, and Myung-Ee, and her foxes. The king, after hearing this, evacuated the president’s body and dies as he realizes that he could never give her what she wanted and he was causing all this suffering for no reason. He couldn’t take it anymore.

Yu-Da, the four foxes, and Myung-Ee all go back up to the moon to say their goodbyes to the woman who could save Yu-Da, because Yu-Da actually got hurt by a faking piece of glass, protecting Myung-Ee. They all regained their memories btw.

In the end, Ho-Rang and the cat end up living together, with the cat trying to find Ho-Rang a new marriage partner. Ho-Rang is still depressed about Myung-Ee but ultimately knows it would never have worked and the cat encourages him to move on.

The Vice President and the president who sacrificed his body end up together. Where the Vice President is still taking care of the president. Unfortunately when the king left the president’s body, he was only leaving behind a vessel without a mind. The Vice President has to spend her days like she did in the past, taking care of her young master happily, even if his mind isn’t there. It’s so sad, she’s just happy she can be by his side, even if it’s not really him anymore. She’s just taking care of an empty body, because that’s the only attachment she has left to him.

And finally, Myung-Ee, Yu-Da and Sa-Eun end up living together. They’re a happy threesome. It isn’t explained who ends up with who but you can tell they’re happy how things are. The last image is of the three of them holding hands and walking back to their shared house to eat the dinner Sa-Eun cooked for them.

    luvly November 2, 2020 9:19 pm

    thank you, I waited 9 years for this.

    Alara November 4, 2020 8:06 am

    this is so sad, i wish i could have read it myself that would be a really good read so it kind of a bummer i had to fet myself spoiled:// thanks though! idk when this would be updated so its better than forgetting about the story