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yeah... i don't like these arabic type harlequins very much. a lot of these stories lack r...

mentari May 17, 2020 1:16 pm

yeah... i don't like these arabic type harlequins very much. a lot of these stories lack real understanding of the culture & religion. (& not just islamic) i know men will be men & even muslims r not perfect...

but when they stereotype stories like this, it's like spreading misconceptions about certain cultures, people & religions, & of course some will find it offensive.

& before anyone gets offended by this, u have to understand, in islam extramarital sex is a sin. u don't have to agree with it, or accept it, it's just what it is & we muslims have to abide by it.

    agathat May 17, 2020 11:48 am

    Not arab myself nor muslim, but I know several people from mid-east and yep, this lack knowledge about their culture!!! But in this case the fault is not from the mangaka but the book's author, many romantic books/harlequin mangas with arab men are wrote by Occidental people who only follow stereotypes!!!

    Is like Tintin in Africa, instead to investigate, the author decided to follow his time stereotypes of Africans and black people... that is why that book is not sold anymore!!!

    While not as bad like the arabs or blacks, I sometimes get frustrated how they show stories in Europe but the character follow more Japanese culture or do things that we don't do at all but are normal for Japanese or the Asian country the artist is from.. normally they are little things but that annoy me!!!

    mentari May 17, 2020 12:22 pm
    Not arab myself nor muslim, but I know several people from mid-east and yep, this lack knowledge about their culture!!! But in this case the fault is not from the mangaka but the book's author, many romantic bo... agathat

    i'm asian, but i have always find that strange too. i mean, the characters r supposed to be westerners, but why r they acting like japanese/asians? especially the women...

    they should do more research when making these novels or mangas. nowadays they r read by all kinds of people from all round the world, & these stereotypes can be hurtful.

    agathat May 17, 2020 12:27 pm
    i'm asian, but i have always find that strange too. i mean, the characters r supposed to be westerners, but why r they acting like japanese/asians? especially the women... they should do more research when maki... mentari

    Many times they don't have the time nor the money, still, if they can't go to a country or meet people of the culture they want to add in a story, they shouldn't add that character. Also, I know many stories with the millonaire arab prince stories comes from the marriage of a millonaire arab prince with a white woman that was in the news everywhere some decades ago... so I suspect the original novel was written long time ago!!!

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ February 1, 2021 10:21 pm
    Not arab myself nor muslim, but I know several people from mid-east and yep, this lack knowledge about their culture!!! But in this case the fault is not from the mangaka but the book's author, many romantic bo... agathat

    yeah people like to cause misconception like im African and Muslim and people. like to think Africans are dumb and we live with lions and that we all. are dark skinned no we are not like im coloured but it seems the whole world forgot you get coloureds on Africa not only dark skinned people
    and wtf like do I need to remind anyone the person that made the Tesla came from africayeah and also in such an Arab land which is also muslim dominated(im guessing) having sex before marriage is so wrong like the biggest sin and the ruler of an Arab and Muslim dominated country just sinned like how you suppose to lead a Muslim country if you can't follow simple Muslim ways of life