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... the FL is fake and Conspiracy Theory!!

Krixel May 17, 2020 1:31 pm

The plot is not bad. However!! I feel like the main couple's relationship wasn't developed enough, I wasn't convinced that the FL likes him. The 1st Princes' feelings, as well as the ML Princes' feelings for the FL were more realistic than the FL's feelings. She's fake!

Her interest with business gave her the "who do you love more? Your work or me" vibe.

So when the ML got into an accident, it gave the FL an opportunity to redeem herself and prove that she likes the ML. But actually she doesn't like the ML because the 1st prince even asked her that if he never gave her the reassurance that she won't lose her business relationship with him would she be unable to say "No" to his advances (basically can she say NO to sleeping with him).

She didn't give a definite answer.

Which shows that she loves work than love. If she loves the ML, she would have used him as reason to say NO. That's why most people (including, me) felt the ending was too rushed. Since it wasn't believable enough.

Conspiracy theory!!
If you think further enough. What if the FL knew from the very beginning that the ML was a prince from a large and old kingdom. So from the very beginning she has been trying to win him to create a beneficial business relationship. He has been very stagnant, nothing has been changing and is just reading books. But she didn't find any faults with him reading books because knowledge is Power. She learned from him too and vise versa.
Later met the 1st prince, and took the opportunity to try and win the 1st prince, but just as a business partner. But that doesn't mean she's not willing to use her body. But the ML who she was aiming from the beginning got hurt, she of course runs after him. (There was never any plans to aim for the 1st prince, his country is small, she just wants business relationship since they have a really good tourism business). She was just showing concern than love, since she almost lost a potential business partner. Got shot, again almost lost him. He didn't even said he'll take her with him, she forced herself into him. She used her knowledge to help build his country but use it as a way to marry him. Earning a big business, as well as a huge and booming country. Everything was planned out. Who knows she may have planned the attack, too. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Krixel May 17, 2020 2:37 pm

    I went back to all my comments. No wonder she felt like someone who manipulates men. I read the stories backwards and read this first and found out later that she did manipulate men before. Wow. My theories are pretty close to accurate. Hahah