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The second uke, Souta-Kun is a BITCH! I can't stand him trying to act all cute...totally a...

Anonymous July 1, 2014 7:00 pm

The second uke, Souta-Kun is a BITCH! I can't stand him trying to act all cute...totally a BITCH! Love the first pair though!

    Seke July 2, 2014 4:48 am

    eh? and how was he a bitch? its not like he was trying to act cute to make the seme do something for him.. or try to act cute to make him not go to to the drinking parties...

    he was genuinely reacting to the seme which just so happens to be cute with his expressions. i think you need to re learn the term bitch. >.>

    animerocks July 5, 2014 4:53 am

    Wow, really? I thought the uke in the second story was very sweet and adorable...and must have suffered a lot, too, thinking there was no hope at first...well, he was cute.

    Anonymous July 5, 2014 9:25 am

    Sometimes when pp fall in love their reaction becomes kinda puppy like...maybe the author was trying to show that? but I didn't think souta's trying to act cute

    -A July 6, 2014 1:45 am

    wow, overreacting much?
    Did we even read the same story?
    Maybe it brought back a bad memory for you cause you really sound like a jealous (crazy)girl in a yaoi manga