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Pls hELp

Niki Senpai May 18, 2020 5:01 pm

Hear me out, a VERY long time ago I read this manga and it had an incest theme with two side characters. I'm not particularly interested in rereading but it's BOTHERING me that I can't remember it.
I'm not sure if it was a side story in a yaoi or shoujo manga:

So the female side character was blind and someone would often visit to tell her stories. Her brother took care of her and I think he told her stories too.

Fast forward, she reveals to the storyteller that she likes her brother's stories better. Turns out she regained her sight years ago and knew about it and also knew about the times that her brother touched her but she didn't mind. And those side characters lived happily ever after in their incestous romance. pls help me find it~~
