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Lia May 21, 2020 7:22 am

Chapter 1: Nice to see them again. Sweet!
Chapter 2: Wow! A lot of smut. To make up for no smut in first?
Chapter 3: Nice...
Chapter 3 end: Nah to the ah to the no No NO!
Like seriously? This is gonna turn into the same fricking thing. Triangle...AGAIN! One just just needs to be a vampire and the other a werewolf and we'll have another twilight. Already have the love triangle over someone who can't make up their frickin MIND! No thanks. I see where this is going and I'll keep what is left of my sanity instead.

    astralsensei May 21, 2020 7:36 am

    yeah there’s no reason for him to come back unless a new character is introduced that ex can pair up with. if not that or anything unique, author is running dry.

    Lia May 22, 2020 5:01 pm
    yeah there’s no reason for him to come back unless a new character is introduced that ex can pair up with. if not that or anything unique, author is running dry. astralsensei

    Lol Ikr. I loved the first part especially since the main character chose the good guy instead of the bad guy like every other love triangle but this is just no. Main character literally told the guy off for the last time. Said he didn't want to him in his life at all. What else is there? Really? Why would he be back except to stir things up again. And why would the main character not immediately tell him to leave without hesitancy after he got fed up in the first manga? He RAPED him for Christ's sake and then he came back and almost ruined his second chance at finishing high school.