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Ohhhh gosh

lilmsotaku23 May 21, 2020 1:22 pm

I'm really hating Sasuga right now.

Ok, i get the reason why they had to postponed the wedding, given Hina's situation. I'm really hoping and praying that by the end of the series, it will still be a Rui and Nat wedding or a happy life together being lovers.

I mean, I know I won't be able to take it if Nat and Hina ended up being together in the end as lovers. Then what!? Have a kid of their own? Oh for fucks sake. I can't even imagine if they had a kid of their own. Instead of being cousins with Haruka (Rui's daughter) they're gonna be half siblings

    PhoenixFyre May 21, 2020 1:53 pm

    It would be a sick situation if Natsuo ends up with Hina. Daddy is with aunt Hina. That would be humiliating for the child when they grow up. I hope the suthor thought of that.

    Shelledduck May 22, 2020 8:50 am
    It would be a sick situation if Natsuo ends up with Hina. Daddy is with aunt Hina. That would be humiliating for the child when they grow up. I hope the suthor thought of that. PhoenixFyre

    That is what I was thinking. Like I understand why they wouldn’t get married because of the situation but to completely break up...? Come on man!!!

    PhoenixFyre May 22, 2020 12:43 pm
    That is what I was thinking. Like I understand why they wouldn’t get married because of the situation but to completely break up...? Come on man!!! Shelledduck

    They have only a couple more chapters left? We will see how it ends. If Natsuo ends up with Hina.... I will never read any of this manaka's series again. Rui was the best thing that even happened to Natsuo. She was the one that was there for him, not Hina. Also, Rui and Natsuo were together from HS to College where Hina was with Nasuo a few months. Hina is a selfish bitch knowing her sister loves him but doesn't care. Hina has a habit of going after men already in a relationship. She is a relationship wrecker.

    Yameteeee May 23, 2020 8:05 am
    They have only a couple more chapters left? We will see how it ends. If Natsuo ends up with Hina.... I will never read any of this manaka's series again. Rui was the best thing that even happened to Natsuo. She... PhoenixFyre

    Right, her first relationship was with a guy who already had a family and that guy was even willing to give up his family for Hina. Like, girllllllll get your own guy lol. Well, Natsuo was hers, I guess, until they broke up.