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It's okay, but not great

Nyxmeow May 22, 2020 8:25 am

I'm definitely in the minority on this! That's fine, but here's why it isn't great for me. I couldn't remember the story, so I reread from the beginning, and mmm... yes and no, but mostly nope. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, the art is really good, and there are some other good aspects. I remember I really liked Kimi to no Dogfight, but this one isn't as good overall. Lots of cliches, a couple of which land squarely in the "negative" column. (Spoilers ahead.)

I know there was absolutely no way in yaoidom that it wouldn't happen, but I don't think Akira should have forgiven Seo after the shit he pulled in chapter 3, or at least nowhere near so easily. Jealousy and inexperience are no excuse, it's been said plenty before, people should freaking well know that you don't try to force your dick into someone unwilling. Fucking talk about it instead of pulling your dick out, moron. And this is one of those times that I get suuuuper annoyed with the "helpful" friend (helpful for the plot, that is) who tricks or forces someone into making up. Tsuda had absolutely no idea what had happened between them, so he should not have meddled. Akira was perfectly entitled to never speak to Seo again. If anything Seo should have had the guts to reach out and apologise properly, but instead Akira was tricked into going and asking Seo if HE was okay???? Not cool. And then magically! all is forgiven.

On the positive side though, Tsuda was a great friend in the flashbacks and Akira's back story was well done. I like the way his ex was portrayed as a massive prick quite subtly though their whole relationship, leading up to the inevitable (and obvious) conclusion. The "slutty uke who actually has a fragile, frightened heart that was hurt by a past relationship, but by the power of the seme's love is healed!" is a very cliche plot. The 'sex lessons' thing was a fairly fresh set up, so I guess we can't be too greedy for originality? Although, what happened to that set up? There wasn't really much "teaching," I have to say. And as I mentioned, there were lots of cliches tbh.

Well, this is just my personal opinion. Feel free to discuss and/or disagree! But if you're going to be rude... just don't. <3

    Lady P0ny May 22, 2020 8:33 am

    You said your opinion without being rude and all you asked was for people not to be rude to you because you said what you think. I think we need more people agreeing to disagree in this site instead of fighting and downvoting different POV, so you have my like (even if I don't agree with all you said). ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Lady P0ny May 22, 2020 8:35 am

    oh, and I forgot to say: I super wgree with what you said about chapter 3!

    Lady P0ny May 22, 2020 8:35 am


    Rasukah May 22, 2020 8:42 am

    yessss say it louder for the people in the back!!