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What's with the title?? Totally spying on them?? Who's doing the spying and what are they ...

soulofalover July 10, 2014 4:43 am

What's with the title?? Totally spying on them?? Who's doing the spying and what are they spying on?
Anyway, I LOOOOVED IT!! So fantastic, the guys are so funny, and Mookyu also has a great sense of humour, but not an obvious one - I'm also sure that even though he doesn't have a domestic bone in his body, he broke all the breakfast dishes so that he wouldn't have to wash them again >o<
A fantastic manga and the Djs are awesome as well! :D

    ^^ July 20, 2014 6:55 pm

    spying...maybe because it shows more private side of their life:)... like peeking into their love-life :)

    Alexisrae72 January 15, 2015 6:28 pm

    I think the readers are the ones spying on their livesXD