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just some thoughts

blueberries May 26, 2020 8:31 pm

interesting that people are suggesting the story's moving in a supernatural direction and that the mc might be a vampire? i dont really think that's the case here (or at least i hope not)

the story kinda reminds me of black swan, ** movie spoiler alert(?) in this mini paragraph ** in the sense that the supernatural/ body horror within the film aren't necessarily reality but projections of the mc's psyche

the mc here seems to be coping in a similar manner against similar suffocating, overbearing households and sexual abuse
i think the house is poisoning/drugging the children to keep them sick, which makes yoshie's comments/face when she hopes the mc gets well to be really sickening (( she's a likable character otherwise, but that underlining sadistic manipulation is really crazy but also great storytelling -- if what i said reveals to be true ofc

the mc offers up his body to the master and shows deep affection and desire for the master because the master has already distorted the mc's sense of desire, normality and reality by laying his hands on the boy at such a young age

the mc doesn't understand what's going on and i don't either lmao

(( another thought, while i really like the classmate, the parallels between his story and this one, along with the fact that the classmate plays the younger brother's role is really striking but also troubling
