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Maybe the MC has a dissociative identity? Like, all the trauma and abuse created a violent...

RAGA May 26, 2020 11:34 pm

Maybe the MC has a dissociative identity? Like, all the trauma and abuse created a violent identity to deal with it, which is why he's still able to function well enough from what we've seen from him so far, despite said trauma and abuse. So, he might have a violent side that he's not actively conscious of but he's at least been present for the bloody aftermath of.

He probably suspects the increased missing bodies are because of him, but as he doesn't remember, he's freaking out about it because he doesn't understand what's going on.

Just a theory though.

And another theory: for the younger brother's case, he's probably just suffering some kind of psychosis, but is well aware of himself at all times.

Sad to hear that it'll probably be awhile until we find out though. I may even forget I made this comment too (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
