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Complex dynamic between species

Blue May 27, 2020 7:20 am

I think the people that don't understand it or find it too muddled or philosophical don't get the nuances of the story. There is a rich back story that is slowly exposed throughout everything. The relationships between not just the humans, kin, and vampires but even the vampires themselves are complex and based on societal rules from hundreds of years ago.

There is a lot of layering to the story. Each thing that Min Hoon does is actually thought out. He acts like he's winging it but after he learns how the vampires world works he actually crafts a very elaborate plan to back the head of house into a corner. He coordinates everything flawlessly and even handles issues when he's thrown a curve ball. When he told Edric not to die he wasn't saying that because the situation was dangerous in general, he was saying it because he sent him there to provoke the old guard vampires. The pretense was sending him as an envoy but truthfully it was to find out who were completely against Min Hoon. Even when his friend becomes kin he's still a pawn for Min Hoon to move about the board. The story is a true piece of art in storytelling if you can understand all the references.
