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UzzlangGoddess May 27, 2020 11:21 pm

The manga was alright. It wasn’t bad It was just good. Also i saw a comment about how bad the book is or whatever. Listen I don’t know if you guys noticed but this story is fictional and if you don’t know the definition of fictional then please look it up. I bet stuff like this happens in rl. I saw something on YouTube about how a pregnant woman had sex with the baby daddy just so that way the baby can come out quicker. Also this manga isn’t even NEAR as bad as some of the manga/anime I’ve seen. I literally read something about how a “ugly bastard” cut off a girl he admires arms and legs. Along with scoop out one of her eyeball. And he was still fucking her (she was alive btw) That manga was more fucked up then this one. Yea it could be “disgusting” seeing a child involved while the parents are having sex but in this manga the child wasn’t really involved all he did was suck his tit and fall asleep. Also this manga seems to be made in maybe Japan? And we all know the age of consent there. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sakny August 16, 2020 6:30 pm

    Just because it's fictional and there are worse out there, that doesn't make it ok. Just like if a child was actually having sex (just a comparison, I'm not saying that they actually had sex), it would still be gross,even if it's fictional. I think you just want to justify it

    私には死にました August 16, 2020 9:29 pm
    Just because it's fictional and there are worse out there, that doesn't make it ok. Just like if a child was actually having sex (just a comparison, I'm not saying that they actually had sex), it would still be... Sakny

    I could honestly careless about this book cause once again it’s FICTION! Like bruh who fucking cares about what happens in a book. People write books like these or books about murder, rape, incest, sexual relationship with teachers, yandere, gangs and child rapist. Of course it doesn’t make it right but it’s just books anything can happen in a books, it’s just ideas on paper. And people actually like reading that crap. Authors write books like these to either entertain viewers or for the shock factor. Which is why books like Killing Stalking is so popular. As long as no one does what they see in books, movies, or games in real life then I don’t see why people shouldn’t enjoy whatever they like even if they got a kinks for shit like this or whatever. People can like whatever they want it’s not my busy or my place to judge. So at this moment I won’t reply back to you cause I honestly don’t have time for nonsense and to argue. Move on and have a nice day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭