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Jazydon May 28, 2020 11:15 am

Why this is so unfair, from where we start and until the all story end Z has been in love with W and even a the end his last thought was for his first love, I read the novel and it's says that, the doctor left the country for Russia and he never love anyone else, Wen waited for Ze all his life, left his company to his Bro until he comes back and he went visited all different place in the word place that he Anted to go with Ze and at every placed that he has been to he was writing a letter to Ze explaining him was he has seen and that he wishes that he was with him, he was posting the letters with ko address on it, it's doesn't say if he died or not or how he died just that he was just still waiting for Ze.
Even if we don't want to fell sorry for Wen, whe' you read the novel you feel really hurt for him because I really believe that he loved Ze with all his heart but he was blinded whit wealth and popularity, that how we all are when we got to much at once, I wished that Ze could reincarnated to someone else and them to start again in a different way cause even if the doctor been very good to Lewis till the end has he sais himself he came too late Ze and We they were already bounded together that why even at the end they thought about each other.
