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A little confused…

A Hard Seungcheol Stan May 30, 2020 1:22 am

Are there some missing chapters? I'm near the start and I've already seen the anime, it seems like they skipped a few scenes or is that just me??
Like the one where Chiaki tries to make a move on Kanna but his mom interrupts or when Takase and Kanda sent each other the phone messages???
Because afterwards they imply that these things have already happened such as Chiaki apologising to Kanna as she leaves his house and his mom laughing; And Takase monologging about how awkward it is between him and Kanda but wondering if she read his messages.
Did the translators skip some? Where these scenes never in the manga? Because I feel like there are just these gaps that don't make sense. Or do these scenes come afterwards/ are explained after they happened?!?!?
I doubt anyone will see this but if you could clarify please do ╥﹏╥

    Orange November 20, 2020 10:49 pm

    No there aren’t missing chapters, the anime just skips over a bunch of scenes which is very annoying. Manga always give the entire story w/out cutting out anything

    OHtheNovelty February 5, 2021 3:36 am
    No there aren’t missing chapters, the anime just skips over a bunch of scenes which is very annoying. Manga always give the entire story w/out cutting out anything Orange

    Well, on this site, yes, there are are missing chapters. The anime did skip scenes and the manga is very worthwhile in reading, but the entire manga is not on this website. There's a lot of missing chapters, which is what OP was asking.