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hmmmm... i know i already read the uncleXbrother story of the prince... im sure of it!!!!....

druzella July 14, 2014 3:51 pm

hmmmm... i know i already read the uncleXbrother story of the prince... im sure of it!!!!... thats why when i first read this story, i thought that the art looks very familiar, and to my surprise the unclexbrother took an appearance which came from another manga i read sometime ago... argh...i need to find that manga again to really confirm it!!!

hmmm... but i can't exactly remember where i read that... @___@

    Funny girl July 14, 2014 6:13 pm

    Where???!!!! I want to read it too!!!!

    Lunatic Bandit August 20, 2014 7:32 pm

    I don't know about another manga related to this: "Royal Fiance - Black Prince" but I recently discovered that there's a sequel to this called "Royal Fiance - White Prince". But it's a light novel.