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didn't the uke tell the redhead that he was a bother, and not give even a hint of liking ...

raindragon May 30, 2020 6:54 pm

didn't the uke tell the redhead that he was a bother, and not give even a hint of liking the redhead even a little?

    LaNansha May 30, 2020 8:40 pm

    He gave hints, it simply wasn't obvious. Like the fact that he's never brought anyone to his house before him. Like the fact that he didn't always fight him off as much as he otherwise would've and other stuff I can't think of right now. And last but not least, like the fact that he was thinking about going steady with him.

    raindragon May 31, 2020 4:39 pm
    He gave hints, it simply wasn't obvious. Like the fact that he's never brought anyone to his house before him. Like the fact that he didn't always fight him off as much as he otherwise would've and other stuff ... LaNansha

    you're right about this. Thanks for the clarification, and the good observation of the subtext as well as the text.