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Help me find this anime and manga

Tikineko May 30, 2020 7:29 pm

So their was this manga where the boy worked at a radio studio I think and his boss had this polker face which he was known for and I think a good voice, the boy ended up liking him for his voice or something....I can't really rmbr since it's been years but I really love this manga!
Now for the anime,it was centred in this school for fashion or so, the popular girl was known for giving people fashion advices and I think the artstyle was kinda cg, idk if she had magical powers or not but like every old time anime,their was obvious ships and she ended up getting with her partner at the end of the anime, I think the dude had black hair and was kindove stern.. maybe was indifferent or hated the girl until she started to grow on him. I just rmbr it was a fashion anime that looked kinda cg for the most
