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i know what i'm gonna say is cliched but i think it wouyld be more romantic if emma just l...

anony-chan July 15, 2014 7:43 pm

i know what i'm gonna say is cliched
but i think it wouyld be more romantic if emma just left without saying anyting to conrad of her grandpa and the conrad would come after her...i know i'm a cliche person but it's SOOOO romantic

    Noodles February 20, 2017 9:27 pm

    Yes and no. I did like everybody minus Conrad. He didn't appeal to me. I thought he was straight jerk, especially you found out that he has a fiancee. It's really annoying that he constantly teasing her, forced her to kiss and bit hypocrite. So the romance between them was bit cliche and annoying. If there was no fiancee or Lloyd and focused on them, it could be interesting. Instead, I wished Emma would date Lloyd in the end.