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Make your own ending

SkipBeat June 1, 2020 1:53 am

Make up your own ending !!! This can't end like this ! We need a role model !

Yes, we are as stupid as she is, and we can fall for bad guys, creeps, abusive, violent, manipulators, or just disrespectful guys. So we definitely need so guidance here.
I hope and believe this is not the real ending. The author's just playing with us.
She really intends to transform this ending into one that will empower women !

My ending :
- Asuza should find a creepy, yet loving way to make Hatsumi and Tachibana brake up, while the brother tries to be a priest.

- Tipped of by the friends, the Priests will unite and decide to fake train him, and instead prepare him so be ready to make Hatsumi fall in love.

- The entire family and friends (Asuza included) should unite and help Shinogu to make her fall in love with him. This should be a slow though trugh love build up, making her fall in love. Little strategies. All chipping in. All the while Shinogu styduing to be a priest they would first be real good friends as boy-girl (no longuer as bro-sis), and he would finally after many weird funny situations, decide that he was right all along and marry Hatsumi (in front of all his fellow priest friends who knew he would not become a priest in the first place and all decided together to help the love birds fall in love !

- Tachibana should remain a creep, because in real life, it's hard to change a scum, so we should no get our hopes up. And should end up in prison for some crazy reason related to his dictator and violent behavior. In the prison he might start some temperament management training, and start understanding his mistakes (without being able to change them), (this might help the creeps out there understand they own problems)

- The sister should become excesively faithful because of her cute boyfriend and marry him real fast. And we should live their mariage with them.

- Asuza should become super nice and fall in love gradually with the girl that was in love with Shinogu. Love being shared after many discreet suggestions. And become the best friend of all of them.

- The maid should become gay and marry Asuza's manager who was gay but nobody knew !

- Hatsumi's father will become the best father ever and make the wife super happy and have a new child, who's godfather will be Asuza.

Comments ?
