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myuurin June 1, 2020 12:34 pm

this man has been YEARNING,LONGING,THIRSTING for her for 10 FUCKING years.. he even got engaged to someone who looks similar to her (they look nothing alike tbh)... but cant even recognise her when she actually returns?? girl WHAT? i get that a shit load of people have been trying to impersonate her but like COME ON!!

    myuurin June 1, 2020 12:37 pm

    and yes it is hard to believe that someone who supposedly died 10 years ago would come back but shouldnt it be instinctive?? idk maybe im reading too many shoujo manga but girl ??

    I’m Always Watching You November 5, 2020 6:20 am

    Right (︶﹏︶)... At least see if she’s had plastic surgery or something b/c there has to be an explanation for why she looks EXACTLY like her “old” self, even more so than anybody else! Just investigate at the most basic level... ahem, DNA... and talk a walk down memory lane! (っ︶︿︶)っ Therein lies the truth that the ML has spent a decade longing for! Sheesh dude...

    myuurin November 6, 2020 2:48 pm
    Right (︶﹏︶)... At least see if she’s had plastic surgery or something b/c there has to be an explanation for why she looks EXACTLY like her “old” self, even more so than anybody else! Just investiga... I’m Always Watching You