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The storys are interesting, but I wished that ch.4 would have been the real end of that st...

What Ever! July 17, 2014 2:19 pm

The storys are interesting, but I wished that ch.4 would have been the real end of that story, thought the end was perfect, couldn't read ch.5.

    Shadow January 3, 2015 8:00 pm

    EXACTLY! Couldn't the author have left 'Well enough' alone? I mean, they had a bit of a rough plot, (and I think they knew that from the start, and decided to go through with it anyway since it was such a risque subject that no one else would have the balls to write about/publish), but chapter 4 would have made quite the damn good ending here... but they had to go and mess it up by smothering it with chapter 5.... you were right not to read it... it just muddles everything up again just when we finally got the dust to settle somewhat... :/
