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okay, uh

crow June 3, 2020 5:34 am

its... confusing. from what i can tell...
he played a game that basically teleport people into another reality. he's lived there since he was a child.
he was called out of the game... for a mission? to kill someone out of the game because hes an assassin... but? I- I'm not sure how the whole mission outside of the game works and how someone assigns missions from outside of the game... so its murder? right? or why did he so willingly quit the game?
theres another game system, basically vr but ADVANCED so it feels like you're in the game but you're not. seems like a simplified version of whatever game he played in the past...
??? i hope it kinda figures itself later on. might try and read a light novel? maybe make more sense

    Lullebayy April 23, 2021 6:14 pm

    Yeah i think he got called out from his world(the game) to reality world to kill that man, why did he wilingly get out from his world ? I think its just because he got commisioned