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Did he just-

JhopeInfires June 4, 2020 1:46 am

I knew this ending would be coming but it still makes me so mad. I was hoping that Woohyun would beg for forgiveness and that Seok-il wouldn't take him back, but of course not.
Your boyfriend who you dated for 7 years cheats on you, and after he comes back for sex you take him in no questions asked. I thought Seok-il deserved better but tbh if you're happy with that trash just take it. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    norimak_1999 June 4, 2020 4:11 am

    yeah Ikr :'> the author is known for turning someone's love into something that can be taken for granted like Seok-il here. If you read the other work from this same author, you'll know what I mean.

    Yaoi lover June 4, 2020 5:39 am

    Bro you have (-.-)no idea I was mad af like that was stupid what was the point of that breakup then he knew that he couldn't let him go who stays together for years and then let's them go (tons of people but who wouldn't end up missing them) ヽ(`Д´)ノ (-.-)