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That story

Sanyfan15 June 4, 2020 9:12 pm

I felt so conflicted reading that. I think she was angry and wanted to get revange and that's not the problem but she did it on the wrong people.

Her piece of shit mother and disgusting asshole stepfather were the ones that would deserve that, like seriously fuck those two you both burn in hell.

But I don't understand why mess with others, why lying about being raped by your teacher whill at home there is a real rapist, why starting something with a married man more than ones, why faking liking someone for gifts, why running away but not go to the police

She obviously thinks of the teacher after all the time because of the necklace but why not come out and tell the truth if you regret it. Lying about rape is disrespectfull of the victims ( so herself too) and it destroys the life of the teacher

The guys are all totall disasters too of course. You can argue if they actad like that too if they NEVER met her.

I know the theme of the webtoon is that of a trauma caused by a man and ignored by a woman and she is the product of that so she acts like this but is that not the definition of a sociopat? Having a horribel childhood and than doing bad things?

Well who cares? It's just a weebtoon (⌒▽⌒)
